#LightUpPopUpTober Gallery
The images below were contributed by members of the 2024 Chibitronics #LightUpPopUpTober Team. They are being showcased here with permission from their creators — and should be considered copyrighted works.
To view the original posts and video reels on Instagram, or to learn more about their creators, please click on the images in the carousel.
Video Compilation
Daily Prompts
Day 1 Energetic: Bruce Foster (@bfpop)
Day 2 Grip: Jill Dawson (@switchback42)
Day 3 Slide: Catie Nasser (@catnasser)
Day 4 Guard: Cecilia Hillway (@ceciliahillway)
Day 5 Meet: Mariana Tamashiro (@helloplaycollective)
Day 6 Wish: Jessica Frost Ballas (@jessicafrostballas)
Day 7 Imperfect: Kristin Osiecki (@kristin.osiecki)
Day 8 Guard: Jasmine Florentine (@jrflorentine)
Day 9 Hollow: Simon Azirpe & Avery Slezak (@simon.arizpe & @_artvery_)
Day 10 Grind: Jill Dawson (@switchback42)
Day 11 Reverse: Andrew Crawford (@evermorian)
Day 12 Inspiration: Andrea Spykstra (@helloplaycollective)
Day 13 Code: Emily Brooks (@funfettigator)
Day 14 Perform: Seth Berg (@cynicalseth)
Day 15 Noise: Jill Dawson (@switchback42)
Day 16 Important: Sarah Phelan (@SarahStampinRetreat)
Day 17 Split: Jie Qi (@technolo.jie)
Day 18 Mole: Emily Clabau (@emily_cricut_ambassador)

Day 19 Round: Kumpei Shindo (@kum_pesora)
Day 20 Chain: Celeste Moreno (@helloplaycollective)
Day 21 Paradox: Helen Friel (@helenfriel)
Day 22 Dismiss: BO Haynes (@boughhaynes)
Day 23 Leap: Shawn Sheehy (@shawnwilder)
Day 24 Irritating: @moonshotkidz
Day 25 World: Eiko Uchida (@eiken_laboratory)
Day 26 Halt: Isabel Uria (@paperdesignpaper)
Day 27 Attach: Kathy Ceceri (@kathy_ceceri)
Day 28 Recycle: Ryan Jenkins (@wonderfulideaco)
Day 29 Comfort: Yukiko Inami (@nicorin173)
Day 30 Icy: Yoojin Kim (@zzintang)