
Measuring Battery Voltage Using a Multimeter

How to Tell if Your Battery is Fresh Have you ever wondered whether there was a quick and easy way to tell whether a coin cell battery is nearing the end of its life or still good to use?       One way to get an idea of how much charge is left in your battery is […]

Chibitronics Makes Connections at the NAMTA Creativation Trade Show 2024

We’re Back! Chibitronics is back from our third annual visit to the National Art Materials Trade Association (NAMTA) Creativation Trade Show, which took place in the Big Easy (New Orleans, LA) from 23-27 March 2024. During Creativation’s two days of education, our CEO, Jie Qi, led a pair of highly-engaging interactive workshops. In total, fifteen […]

Chibitronics for PaperCrafters Video Series 2023 Review

In 2023, we launched a new video series, Chibitronics for PaperCrafters. This series was designed to help papercrafters and card makers learn how to use Chibitronics products in their creations and gradually advance their skills and techniques. In 2024, we will be taking interactive die sets from a variety of paper-crafting companies and showing you […]

10 Ways to Add a Switch to a Paper Circuit

Recently, a customer sent in a question that was so illuminating, so essential, that it prompted us to pause and reflect: Once you complete the circuit and put the stickers on, what turns the light off? Customer Inquiry In today’s post, a tribute to the powerhouse working behind the scenes, we are placing a spotlight […]

Fading Orange Goldfish using our Craft Effects Stickers

Happy Wednesday!  I’m Allison Cope and today I’m sharing my latest light up card featuring products from Chibitronics. Today we’re going we are going to light up card featuring the FADE “Craft Effects Circuit Sticker” and some fun Orange LED Light Stickers. We offer a variety of other Animating Sticker types like our Rainbow Fade […]

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