hello play

A Playful Series on Augmenting Found Art with LED Switches

By Hello Play! for Chibitronics  As a collective with a passion for creative learning, we (Andrea, Celeste, and Mariana) wanted to explore how to create playful experiences around the theme of circuit switches. “How can we augment found art (a story, a painting, a song etc.) with LED Switches?” was the prompt we used to […]

Meet the Makers: Hello Play Collective

A dynamic new addition to the Chibitronics Design Team, the powerful trio comprising Hello Play has already left us clamoring for more! In their debut post, Exploration of Unusual Materials and Circuits with Chibitronics LED Stickers, curiosity and a practice of open-ended experimentation conjure up an amusing menagerie of glowing objects! Read more to learn […]

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