Light-Up Dragon Bookmark by Emily Brooks

Here Be Dragons!

For all my fellow dragon-loving readers, this light-up bookmark is for you! Did you know that cartographers inscribed “Hic Sunt Dracones (Here Be Dragons)” in a copper globe over 500 years ago? On the back of this bookmark is a map near the edge of the Northern Hemisphere, and on the front is an aerial view of a fire-breathing dragon.

Pressure Sensitive Dragon Bookmark by Emily Brooks



Step 1: Print Design on Cardstock

[Thanks to the New York Public Library’s public domain imagery for the map near the edge of the Northern Hemisphere on the copper Hunt-Lenox globe ]

Print the PDF on black cardstock with a black toner printer. (Do not use inkjet!)

For demo purposes, this image depicts the PDF printed upon gray paper. I suggest you print the design upon black cardstock.

Step 2: Laminate Foil

Use non-permanent tape to attach metallic toner-reactive foil to the printed side of the cardstock.
Run the foil/cardstock sheet through a laminator twice.
Peel the foil from the cardstock.

Gold toner reactive foil on top of black cardstock creates this stunning effect!

Step 3: Cut Bookmark

Use a craft blade to cut around the edge of the bookmark as well as the inside of the flame.

Step 4: Assemble Circuit

Use conductive fabric tape, a coin cell battery, and the red, orange, and yellow circuit stickers to create the circuit on the inside of the bookmark, leaving a gap as seen in the image.

Tape a small strip of pressure sensitive conductive plastic to the other inside of the bookmark to allow the circuit to complete when pressed.

Build your circuit, using this diagram as a guide.
Adhere a piece of vellum behind the flame cut-out.

Step 5: Finishing Touches

Tape strips of vellum behind the flame cut out and tape shut the bookmark.

Light-Up Dragon Bookmark by Emily Brooks
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