Love to Code

Illuminate a Box Frame with a Chibi Chip

In this tutorial, I’ll share my process for transforming a thrift store find—a hinged box frame (13 X 13 inch) purchased for 2 dollars—into a dynamic wall decoration.  Using a Chibitronics Chibi Chip and LED Stickers of your choice, you can create an inspiring poster for your wall, with beautifully colored lights and changeable effects! […]

How to Power your Chibi Chip

You can power your Chibi Chip with any USB power supply!  Here are some examples: If you have a Love to Code powered binder, you can plug in the USB cable directly into the binder. To turn on your binder, slide the power switch to the left like this: The Love to Code book can […]

Craft a Holiday Greeting with Love to Code

Happy holidays from team Chibi! Our intern, Shicheng Lim (@caligomartia on Instagram), designed a fun color-in, light-up holiday card template activity so you can craft your own holiday greeting using Love to Code! Anyone with the Love to Code Starter Kit will have the electronic parts to do this project. If you want to purchase the […]

How to Assemble the Chibi Clip

This tutorial shows you how to turn your Chibi Chip programmable board into a reusable clip! You will need: Chibi Chip programmable microcontroller board Chibi Clip holder Video Tutorial: Step 1: Remove example paper insert Step 2: Remove the adhesive tape from your clip holder Step 3: Flip the clip over so that the flat […]

How to Assemble the Chibi Clip

This tutorial shows you how to turn your Chibi Chip programmable board into a reusable clip! You will need: Chibi Chip programmable microcontroller board Chibi Clip holder Video Tutorial: Step 1: Remove example paper insert Step 2: Remove the adhesive tape from your clip holder Step 3: Flip the clip over so that the flat […]

Programming the Chibi Chip

This tutorial shows you how to program your Chibi Chip microcontroller board!  We will write our code in a browser-based code editor and then transmit code through sound to your board.  Ready?  Let’s get started! You will need: Chibi Chip programmable microcontroller board programming cable with USB and audio connectors USB power supply (such as […]

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