Lesson Guide

Materials, Tools & Templates
Buying Guide
Educational Standards


Grades: Can be adapted for grades 3-12. The lessons below are intended to build skills that students can apply to a larger project goal.
Estimated Time (per lesson): 45 min
Students will learn: 
* Programming concepts including variables, conditional statements, loops, and multithreading;
* Techniques for crafting paper electronics elements and circuitry;
* How to program the Chibi Chip, with a Scratch-inspired block code editor by Microsoft MakeCode, or a text coding environment similar to Arduino.


  • Computer, tablet, or smartphone with an audio jack*
  • Power source for Chibi Chip**
  • 30 fabric tape patches
  • 2 rolls copper tape
  • Love to Code templates

Chibitronics Products

ā€¢ Chibi Chip, Clip, and cable
ā€¢ 30 Circuit Sticker LEDs, any mix of colors.
ā€¢ See buying guide below for more info


  • Scissors
  • Pencils for sketching out circuits
  • Colored pencils, markers, watercolors, or other drawing and art tools
  • Scotch tape and glue sticks


Free Template Download: Chibi Script Version / MakeCode Version

*The coding environments (both text and block-based versions) run in a web browser and do not require any special installation.
**If using the full LTC kit, 3 AA batteries can be added to the binder for a portable power source. If not using the binder, the Chibi Chip can be powered by a computerā€™s USB port or by most USB wall adapters (such as those used to charge cell phones).

Buying Guide

(Note: make sure to get the 10% educator discount by signing upĀ here!)


Lesson 1

Key topics: simple parallel LED circuit, conductivity, using copper tape, using LED stickers
Consumable materials per student/team: At least 1 LED to complete template, plus 1 to 2 to experiment with parallel circuit
Template page numbers: Chibi Script: 1-2 to 1-4, MakeCode: 1-2 to 1-4
Lesson page numbers: Chibi Script: 1-5 to 1-9, MakeCode: 1-5 to 1-9
VideosChapter 1 WalkthroughPlugging in and Powering On
Other recommended resourcesDandelion Painting Video

Lesson 2

Key topics: parallel and series circuits, turning corners with copper tape, patching circuits with fabric tape
Consumable materials per student/team: 3 to 4 LEDs for making their own circuit, 3 to 4 fabric tape patches
Template page numbers: Chibi Script: 1-15 to 1-17, MakeCode: 1-15 to 1-17
Lesson page numbers: Chibi Script: 1-10 to 1-14, MakeCode: 1-10 to 1-14
VideosTurning Corners with Copper TapeParallel and Series Circuits
Other recommended resourcesIntroduction to Copper Tape

Lesson 3

Key topics: programming basic blink, loop, turn on, turn off
Consumable materials per student/team: 1 LED
Template page numbers: Chibi Script: 2-12 to 2-14, MakeCode: 2-18 to 2-20
Lesson page numbers: Chibi Script: 2-1 to 2-11, MakeCode: 2-1 to 2-17
VideosProgramming DemoChapter 2 Walkthrough

Lesson 4

Key topics: programming multiple pins
Consumable materials per student/team: 7 LEDs
Template page numbers: Chibi Script: 2-17 to 2-19, MakeCode: 2-23 to 2-25
Lesson page numbers: Chibi Script: 2-15 to 2-16, 2-20 to 2-21, MakeCode: 2-21 to 2-22, 2-26 to 2-27
VideosBring Light to Life (shows multiple pins in action)

Lesson 5

Key topics: design and program your own circuit
Consumable materials per student/team: 3 to 6 LEDs, copper tape, fabric tape patches
Template page numbers: Chibi Script: 2-22 to 2-24, MakeCode: 2-28 to 2-30
Lesson page numbers: Chibi Script: 2-23, MakeCode: 2-29
VideosCrosses and Ts with Copper TapeOne Code, Many Projects (for inspiration)

Lesson 6

Key topics: simple switches
Consumable materials per student/team: 1 LED
Template page numbers: Chibi Script: 3-4 to 3-6, MakeCode: 3-4 to 3-6
Lesson page numbers: Chibi Script: 3-2 to 3-14, 3-36 to 3-38, MakeCode: 3-2 to 3-15, 3-36 to 3-38
VideosChapter 3 Walkthrough (part 1)

Lesson 7

Key topics: variables, code comments, code readability
Consumable materials per student/team: n/a
Template page numbers: n/a
Lesson page numbers: Chibi Script: 3-15 to 3-17, MakeCode: 3-16 to 3-17
Lesson suggestions: Ask students to clean up their code with variables and comments, then swap code with another student or team. The new team should make a change to the code (ā€œremixā€ the project). Discuss as a group: what made it easier or harder to modify othersā€™ code?

Lesson 8

Key topics: papercraft switches, design your own switch
Consumable materials per student/team: 1 LED for each type of switch (4 total) plus 1-3 for student-designed switch

Template page numbers:

  • pop-up switch: Chibi Script: 3-22 to 3-24, MakeCode: 3-22 to 3-24
  • press-the-flap: Chibi Script: 3-25 to 3-28, MakeCode: 3-25 to 3-28
  • wind sensor: Chibi Script: 3-29 to 3-30, MakeCode: 3-29 to 3-30
  • pocket character switch: Chibi Script: 3-31 to 3-33, MakeCode: 3-31 to 3-33
  • make your own: Chibi Script: 3-34, MakeCode: 3-34

Lesson page numbers: Chibi Script: 3-18 to 3-21, MakeCode: 3-18 to 3-21
VideosChapter 3 Walkthrough (part 2)

Lesson 9

Key topics: fading (analog output), while loops
Consumable materials per student/team: n/a
Template page numbers: n/a (use template from earlier lesson)
Lesson page numbers: Chibi Script: 4-1 to 4-11, 4-24 to 4-25, MakeCode: 4-1 to 4-11, 4-24 to 4-25
VideosChapter 4 Walkthrough (first minute)

Lesson 10

Key topics: multithreading
Consumable materials per student/team: 5-8 LEDs, 5-8 conductive fabric patches
Template page numbers: Chibi Script: 4-18 to 4-23, MakeCode: 4-18 to 4-23
Lesson page numbers: Chibi Script: 4-12 to 4-17, MakeCode: 4-12 to 4-17
VideosChapter 4 Walkthrough (starts after first minute)

Lesson 11 (Light Sensor Add-On)

Key topics: electronic sensors, conditionals
Consumable materials per student/team: 1 light sensor sticker, 3 fabric patches, 1 LED
Template page numbers: Chibi Script only: LS-4 to LS-6
Lesson page numbers: Chibi Script only: LS-2 to LS-3, LS-7 to LS-10, first paragraph of LS-11, LS-24

Lesson 12 (Light Sensor Add-On)

Key topics: analog input, variables
Consumable materials per student/team: 1 light sensor sticker (can reuse from Lesson 11), 3 fabric patches, 7-10 LEDs
Template page numbers: Chibi Script: LS-12 to LS-14, LS-20 to LS-22
Lesson page numbers: Chibi Script: LS-11, LS-15 to LS-19

Suggested CSTA Standards

Lessons 3-7, 9-12

1B-AP-09 3-5 Create programs that use variables to store and modify data.
1B-AP-10 3-5 Create programs that include sequences, events, loops, and conditionals.

All Lessons:

1B-AP-12 3-5 Modify, remix, or incorporate portions of an existing program into oneā€™s own work, to develop something new or add more advanced features.
1B-AP-15 3-5 Test and debug (identify and fix errors) a program or algorithm to ensure it runs as intended.
(after L7) 2-AP-19 6-8 Document programs in order to make them easier to follow, test, and debug.


1B-AP-16 3-5 Take on varying roles, with teacher guidance, when collaborating with peers during the design, implementation, and review stages of program development.
1B-AP-17 3-5 Describe choices made during program development using code comments, presentations, and demonstrations.
1B-IC-20 3-5 Seek diverse perspectives for the purpose of improving computational artifacts.
2-CS-02 6-8 Design projects that combine hardware and software components to collect and exchange data.
2-DA-08 6-8 Collect data using computational tools and transform the data to make it more useful and reliable.
2-AP-18 6-8 Distribute tasks and maintain a project timeline when collaboratively developing computational artifacts.
1B-DA-07 3-5 Use data to highlight or propose cause-and-effect relationships, predict outcomes, or communicate an idea.
3A-DA-11 9-10 Create interactive data visualizations using software tools to help others better understand real-world phenomena.

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