Maker Spotlights

Meet the Maker: Colleen Graves

We’re excited this month to introduce rockstar maker/educator/librarian Colleen Graves. Colleen has been sharing all sorts of wonderful ideas and resources for making with technology and how to set up spaces that nurture such creativity! 1. What is your story? Iā€™m Colleen Graves, Iā€™m a Maker, a Teacher, and a Librarian. I started using Chibitronics […]

Meet the Maker: Tracie Hightower

We were lucky enough to catch up with Tracie Hightower from Cranbook Schools at ISTE. Tracie is the Upper School Librarian/Education Technologist at Cranbook, and has converted part of the library into a MakerSpace. Tracieā€™s goal is to expose her students to different materials in order to inspire curiosity, learning and creativity. 1. What is […]

Meet the Maker: Josh Burker

1. What is your story? I am a constructionist educator, author, digital artist, amateur programmer, husband and father, and curmudgeon. I enjoy exploring the spaces where crafting and technology intersect. I worked in schools as a Technology Specialist, Technology Club founder and advisor, an “Academic Technology Coordinator,” teacher, and systems engineer for seventeen years working […]

Meet the Maker: Shelby Arnold

Shelby Arnold is an amazing artist, who teaches paper electronics and other crafty subjects at NYC Resister, a hackerspace in Brooklyn. She makes pop-ups, sculptures, and other projects. For more information and to see more of her beautiful pieces, please visit her Shelby Makes website. 1. What is your story? I’ve loved paper since I […]

Meet the Maker – Lindsay Balfour

This month we introduce artist and educator Lindsay Balfour. SheĀ createsĀ inspiring works of interactive art with paper electronics and generously sharesĀ these creative experiences with others by designing and teaching workshops at the Children’s Creativity Museum in San Francisco as well as other museums, libraries and schools across the nation. Ā Here she tells usĀ her story, creative process […]

Meet the Chibi Maker- Nancy Keslin

This month we are thrilled to introduce to you an amazing paper artist, Nancy Keslin aka Homesclscrapper.Ā Her greeting cards and scrapbook pages designs are absolutely delightful.Ā  She has designed so many breathtakingly beautiful paper projects using Chibitronics Circuit Stickers.Ā Nancy shares with us her creative inspiration and love for paper crafting… What are the things that […]

Meet the Chibi Maker- Jonathan Bobrow

This month we are glad to introduce to you an awesome artist, technologist, math lover and playful maker, Jonathan Bobrow. Currently a graduate student at the MIT Media lab, Jonathan is actively building devices and experiences to make the future a better place. He has been playfully engaging with Chibitronics Circuit Stickers, combining it with […]

Meet the Chibi Maker- Joanna Chou

We kick off our Meet the Chibi Maker series with Seattle based maker and founder of Make Something studio Joanna Chou. SheĀ has been tinkering with Chibitronics Circuit Stickers since she first heard about it on the internet and was blown away by itsĀ creative potential. AĀ full-time mom with true passion forĀ design and creativity, Joanna encourages people […]

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